Wandering Cooks Australia - Hervey Bay - Other services, Hervey Bay - 1736991


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Wandering Cooks Australia - Other services

Ref. number: 1736991 Updated: 17-06-2014 11:27

Offering: Other services in Australia, Hervey Bay

Wandering Cooks is an incubator for new food entrepreneurs, particularly you who roam to reach your customers: market stallholders, caterers and gourmet food van businesses to name a few. We will train you in the world of business, through our mentoring program and workshops, introduce you to a community of like-minded entrepreneurs, provide you with the resources you need to get your business off the ground (such as licensed commercial kitchens, storage space and office facilities); and showcase your work through expos, markets and online profiles. http://www.wanderingcooks.com.au

Contact information
First name: Wandering Cooks Australia
Last name: Wandering Cooks Australia
Phone number: +61 7 3844 6000
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