Australian history book collection - Hervey Bay - Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale, Hervey Bay - 2830996


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Australian history book collection - Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale

Ref. number: 2830996 Updated: 19-12-2019 04:01

Price: 15 AUD $

Offering: Books for sale, Used books for sale, Magazines for sale in Australia, Hervey Bay

This is a collection if five great books on many fascinating aspects of Australian history. 1. BURNT TO A CINDER, WAS I? [The escape and life of Dan Kelly, member of the notorious Kelly Gang]. 2. SAILORMEN'S GHOSTS [by Thomas Uren]. 3. THE SKIES REMEMBER [the story of Ross and Keith Smith]. 4. EXPLORERS [by Desmond Wilcox]. 5. THE MAKING OF AUSTRALIANS [by Michael Page and Robert Ingpen]. Five books, all great reads, for just $15.00.

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